- gomila kolačiće
u ogromnim količinama
- šta god da pitaš,
sledi ono „DA LI SI MISLIO....?“
- tražiš jedno, a
uvek dobiješ suprotno od onog što si tražio
- mnogo memorije
troši na skupljanje i širenje podataka o drugima
- 80% podataka
koje zna su, više-manje, potpuno neupotrebljivi
u svakodnevnom životu
- svaki dan menja
izgled, bilo to potrebno ili ne
- prekida te u
pola rečenice
- taman kad
misliš da si shvatio šta hoće, zbuni te sa započinjanjem
potpuno druge teme
- stalno ti
sugeriše kupovinu krpica, cipela, parfema i sličnog
i mami te da trošiš pare na gomilu
nepotrebnih stvari
- ima odgovore na
SVA tvoja pitanja (i na ona koja ne postaviš)
- pamti sve - gde
si bio, u koga si gledao, šta si tražio....pamti čak
i ono što si i sam odavno zaboravio
- čak i kad
pomisliš da joj nađeš zamenu, uvek joj se vraćaš uz
komentar da je najbolja
- shvatiš koliko
ti znači tek kada ti nije uvek na raspolaganju
- she piles up a
lot of cookies
- whatever you
ask, it follows that famous „DID YOU MEAN…?”
- you ask
for one thing, and always get totally opposite one from that
what you’ve been looking for
- she
spends a lot of memory on collecting and spreading of informations
about other people
- 80%
of informations she knows are – more or
less – totally useless in
every-day life
- she
changes her look every day, needed or not
- she
interrupts you in the half of the sentence
- just when
you start to think that you know what she wants, she confuses
you with starting talking about completely
new subject
- she
suggests you all the time to go to shopping and to spend a lot of money
on clothing, shoes, perfumes and other unnecessary things
she got the answers on ALL of your questions (even on those you did not
- she
remembers everything – where have you been, what did you look at it,
what did you searching for….she remembers even
that what you already
forgot long time ago
- even when
you start to think to replace her with someone else, you always
come back, with the comment that “she’s the
- you find
out how important she is to you when she isn’t always available
Please, forgive me for my Not-So-Perfect-English….but, I’m trying to do
best…….love you all,
Natasha :)